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Meetings of the Parish Council take place on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall at 7:00pm unless otherwise stated. Meetings are held 11 months of the year (there is no meeting in December).

Members of the public are welcome to attend and a short period is put aside at the begining for anyone who wishes to address the Council but members of the public cannot participate in the meeting.

Any matters raised with the Parish Council, whether by members of the public, commercial firms, voluntary bodies or public-sector organisations should, where possible, be passed to the appropriate councillor for delegated action or to recommend a course of action to the council as appropriate.

Latest Documents

Older records are available on request in writing from the clerk.

Annual Report 

In May of each year the Parish Council holds an Annual Parish Meeting and an Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. 

At the Annual Parish Meeting the Chairman produces a Report on the progress of the previous year and plans for the forthcoming year. The Responsible Financial Officer presents the accounts. This is not a formal Parish Council Meeting and refreshments are often served.

At the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer all stand down and are re-elected by the other members of the council. Every four years there is an election of the whole council. 

Also at the AMPC the dates for the forthcoming meetings are set, the Internal Auditor is appointed and any members who represent the Council on outside bodies or internal committees and identified and minuted.

It is quite normal for the Clerk to also act as the Responsible Financial Officer.

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