Tingewick Emergency Plan
March 2023
The following is a process put in place to deal with unexpected situations.
A process is far likely to be more effective and successful when pre planned, rather than hurriedly put together in the heat of the moment. That is why Tingewick Parish Council have put together this Emergency Planto help us all prepare for such eventualities.
Please do not hesitate to bring to the attention of the Parish Council Clerk at clerk@tingewickparishcouncil.org.uk should you have any ideas that you believe will improve these procedures.
What is classed as an emergency?
An emergency is an unplanned or imminent event that affects or threatens the health, safety or welfare of people, property, and infrastructure, and which requires a significant and coordinated response to be actioned.
Providing the appropriate supports following a critical incident, is part of emergency management.
All major emergencies should be dealt with by the emergency services and local authorities.
This Emergency Plan is not intended to be a substitute for these services therefore your first point of contact in an emergency is to call 999
Trisha Lightfoot
Chair of Tingewick Parish Council
There are 2 main levels of emergency
One – a major catastrophic event that would require large capacity shelters and support.
Such incidents would require very large premises or a series of small venues to accommodate and manage large numbers of temporary “refugees”.
Tingewick Residents need not concern themselves too much with this category as the Parish Council would be approached as part of this measured co-ordinated scheme initiated by a higher tier authority; namely Bucks County Council
Two – A local emergency within the Parish of Tingewick which, though inevitably involving higher levels of Government input, would also need support and involvement by local people. As they are the most likely to know who is at risk and who is in need.
This Plan will concentrate on Level 2
Type of Events which could trigger a local emergency:
- Flooding or damage from severe storms
- Large scale evacuation due to a major fire or pollution
- Serious Road Traffic Accident
- Terrorism Incident
- Health threats
Whilst the above would involve the emergency services and the major authorities, the knowledge of local people will be vital in mitigating the effects on the local community.
Parish Council Emergency Response
The Parish Council have in place a WhatsApp action group which will remain current throughout the service term of the Councilors. This will be used to inform each PC member in the case of an incident.
The PC has ascertained the knowledge of each member and what they can offer e.g., local knowledge of residents and their skills e.g., nurses, doctors, police officers, plumbers, electricians. Other members of the PC will lead working parties for any equipment required and will have access codes and keys to various village locations and amenities that may be needed.
One Councilor will be appointed to liaise with authorities and give them contact details for County Councils and any other helpful parties. There will be a cascade list in operation so if this person was unavailable, it would fall to the next on the list. Whilst it’s relatively straightforward to plan for incidents such as fire, flood, road accident etc the PC are more likely to be needed in the event of the totally unexpected. So local knowledge of what residents skills can be called on would be best learned in advance.
The Chair of the Council will, if necessary, convene an emergency meeting of the PC. The village hall, the school or the Church may be made available for use, depending on the scale and location of the emergency. All have First Aid kits and a defibrillator is in the phone box outside the village hall. The PC will be responsible for liaising with Emergency services. Each PC member will be responsible for a pre-arranged area of the village where they will advise residents of the relevant situation and actions being taken.
PC contacts numbers below and see map for allocated streets.
1. Trisha Lightfoot 07816 516234 2. Martin Hornsey 07767 707800
3. Ed Maxwell 07764 976774 4. Rob Pearson 07743 142919
5. Jackie Newman 07812 182354 6. Carol Hornsey 07393 375902

What to do when an Emergency Situation arises
Call 999 and give the following information.
- Site address including post code if known.
- Contact names.
- Telephone number.
- Describe the nature of the fire.
- If safe to do so, isolate gas, electricity, and fuel supply.
- Only attempt to extinguish a fire if you are competent and if there is no risk of personal injury either from the fire, toxic gases and fumes produced or the structural failure of the building.
- Ensure you always have a clear emergency exit.
- If there is a possibility that firefighting water could result in the pollution of groundwater or adjacent water. It shall be the responsibility of the Fire Brigade to notify the Environment Agency as soon as reasonably practical but within 24 hours of the incident.
Release of Contaminated Water or Flood Water
The unplanned release of contaminated water may cause significant environmental harm, especially when the pollutant enters ground water or water courses.
In the event of any uncontrolled release of pollutants, the following actions will be considered by the appropriate PC member (where safe to do so):
- Prevent further release of contaminated water.
- Prevent the release of pollutant from the site.
- This could involve:
- the use of sandbags, bedding material or earth to build containment dams.
- the digging of a diversion trench.
- the covering or bunding of drains
- Any contaminated material resulting from the incident (including any pollutant held in the dirty water catchment system) shall be disposed of legally, safely, and properly through a registered waste carrier.
Interruption to Water Supply
If the interruption is caused by an on-site issue, then contact a plumber, try and determine the likely duration of the interruption.
- If the cause of the interruption is an off-site issue, then contact Anglian Water on 03457 145 145 and try to establish the likely duration of the interruption.
- Keep checking water supply and react appropriately until the supply is reinstated.
Interruption to Power Supply
In the event of an overhead or underground power cable being damaged by weather or by accidental damage
- Nationalgrid should be contacted on 0800 6783 105 or short code 105 to attend the incident and make safe plus offer support and assistance.
- Power cut news is also available on these numbers.
- In the event of prolonged power cuts, the Village Hall will be manned by the PC and will be used as the information hub.
- If practical divert the flood water away from buildings and raw materials to reduce the risk of flood water picking up polluting substances.
- Use sandbags and consider digging trenches to divert the flood.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Parish Clerk to inform the Environment Agency of the flood within 24 hours on 0800 807060.
- If the precise location of the leak can be determined take steps to isolate the supply to that location
- Emergency Flood Response Team
- Ross Cooper 07743 661184
- David Lloyd: 07813 641436
- Gray Ring: 07493 372689
- Mike Wilkes: 07831 269688
- Jay Elliman: 07980 452872
Gas Leak
- Do not operate any electrical equipment or light switches.
- In the event of any gas leak the whole area is to be designated as a NO-SMOKING area:
- Extinguish any naked flames immediately.
- Open windows and doors to ventilate the building.
- Contact the Gas Emergency Line. On 0800 111999
In the event of a major gas leak or resulting fire
- Avoid personal risk or injury.
- Evacuate all persons from the affected building or area.
- If it is safe to do so isolate the gas supply at the tank or the meter.
- Keep upwind of any fire or gas leakage.
In the event of anyone suffering a serious injury: Dial 999 and request an ambulance. They will require the following information.
- Contact names.
- Telephone number.
- Describe the nature of the injury and provide clear directions to the site.
- Agree a suitable meeting point with the Emergency Services.
- Provide First Aid until the Emergency Services arrive.
Adverse Publicity
Handling the Press
Due to possible Media attention during any emergency please note the following procedure regarding press contacts must be followed.
If you are contacted by a press or TV reporter, or anyone claiming to be a media representative and asking questions regarding the emergency or incident, you are required to immediately alert a PC member.
The response to any enquiry will be: “I am sorry I am unable to answer your questions, however if you give me your contact details I am happy to contact someone who will be able to speak to you”.
Please request the person’s contact name, organisation they represent and their telephone number and the refer the person to: Trisha Lightfoot PC Chair 07816 516234
Important Emergency Telephone Numbers
These ae the key external and internal telephone details that could be required in an emergency, including 24-hour contact details for the organization’s that may need to be involved during or after an incident.
Numbers to use For Tingewick area are as follows.
- Anglian Water 03457 145 145
- Nationalgrid for electric on 0800 6783 105 or short code 105
- Gas Emergency Line. 0800 111999
- Environment Agency incident hotline 0800 807060
- Buckinghamshire Council to report flooding or road problems.
- Office hours: 01296 382416 or out of hours: 01296 486630